What is Special Collections and Archives and what do you collect?


Special Collections and Archives is a department within the library that collects, preserves, and provides access to unique and rare archival/primary source as well as focused published/secondary materials related to the human and natural history of the Colorado Plateau with a focus on northern Arizona. We collect original manuscripts, photographs, letters, reports, oral histories as well as other published sources (books, films, maps) with regional significance.

Special Collections and Archives is available to the university community and the general public. We encourage and support the use of our holdings by anyone interested in the history and culture of the region.

Appointments are not necessary, but if time is limited, it is advisable to call in advance to have your materials pulled prior to your arrival. Cline Library and Special Collections and Archives' hours are available on our website.

For more information, visit What is SCA?

  • Last Updated Mar 20, 2019
  • Views 209
  • Answered By Andrew See

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